Six Non-Christian Reasons to Avoid Pornography

Six Non-Christian Reasons to Avoid Pornography

More-Porn-is-less-sex-232x300.jpgTwenty years ago most people believed the only reason to save sex for marriage was Christian. My proposals to do non-Christian sexual abstinence programs in public schools were laughed at even by Christians. Once I explained teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and emotional scars that get in the way of your future dreams, nobody was laughing. Most people today believe the only reason to avoid pornography is Christian. Do you? Here are six non-Christian reasons to avoid pornography.

1. Sex is less enjoyable.
A study in the Archives of Sexual Behavior published last month found that the more men view porn the less they enjoy sex. Pornography raises expectations of sexual encounters beyond what any real-life experience can achieve. (Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2014, December)

2. Sex is less intimate.
Pornography changes the focus of sex to pleasure instead of bonding with your partner. Women complain that the man is inattentive or even not present during lovemaking. (Metro US, 2014, December)

3. Sex is less confident.
The same Archives of Sexual Behavior study found that the more men view porn the more likely he was to have concerns about their sexual performance and body image. Men compare their sexual size to male porn actors and are typically a third smaller. (Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2014, December)

4. Sex is less possible.
An Italian study of 28,000 porn users found that watching porn leads “to lower reactions to porn sites, then there is a general drop in libido and in the end, it becomes impossible to get an erection.” (ANSA, 2011)

5. Sex is less safe.
The Archives of Sexual Behavior study also found that more porn use resulted in more in requesting pornographic sex acts from their partner. Another Archives of Sexual Behavior study reports more sexual partners of all types and more one-occasion sexual partners (“one-night-stands”).  All three factors are associated with higher risks of AIDs and STDs. (Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2014, September)

6. Sex is less consensual.
A New York University online poll found that those who watch pornography more often are more likely to engage in aggressive sexual acts such as choking, mock rape, bondage, slapping, dominance, sadism, and masochism. (The China Post, 2014)

ANSA. (2011, March 4). Italian men suffer ‘sexual anorexia’ after Internet porn use. Retrieved from ANSA.IT / ANSA English / News:

Braithwaite, S. R., Coulson, G., Keddington, K., & Fincham, F. D. (2014, September). The Influence of Pornography on Sexual Scripts and Hooking Up Among Emerging Adults in College. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 44(1), 111-123. doi:10.1007/s10508-014-0351-x

Metro US. (2014, December 16). Men who watch too much porn enjoy sex less: study. Retrieved from Lifestyle:—G0pxMmW4XT2TU/

Sun, C., Bridges, A., Johnason, J., & Ezzell, M. (2014, December 03). Pornography and the Male Sexual Script: An Analysis of Consumption and Sexual Relations. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43(12), 1-12. doi:10.1007/s10508-014-0391-2

The China Post. (2014, May 27). Experts and activists outline porn’s effect on love relationships. Retrieved from Taiwan National News:

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