Study on Porn Use

Study on Porn Use

A recent study shows that porn use is worse than we thought. And we thought it was pretty bad.

The Barna Group surveyed a representative sample of U.S. adults.

Men aged 18-to-30 who viewed pornography more than once a month was 75%!

It wasn’t much better for men aged 31-to-49 which was 59%.

Viewing porn more than monthly was relatively the same across all income levels and education levels and specifically was:

69% of Hispanic men
64% of Black men
49% of White men
56% of non-Christian men
52% of Christian men
62% of non-married men
40% of married men

Roughly 1 out of every 5 men either said they were addicted to pornography or were unsure.

Particularly alarming was the rate of women using pornography.

While less than 10% of women over 30 view pornography more than once a month, for women 18 to 30 it was 34%!

Income and education levels also had little differences among the rate women viewed porn more than once a month. Specifically:

14% of White women
12% of Hispanic women
7% of Black women
22% of non-Christian women
10% of Christian woman
However, there is a problem among married women.

19% of married women view porn more than once a month
compared to only 10% of non-married women.
Where do you fit in this study?

Maybe you only view pornography a few times a year or even less. Before you think you don’t have a problem, let me tell you that was the rate of my porn use. It still caused me great pain. I never could quit until I started admitting I had a problem and got help. Please do the same. The freedom and restoration of your sexuality is worth the work. Call me at 972-342-0753 or email me. I can help.

As a parent, teacher, or youth worker, what are you doing about this problem among our young adults?

Just this month, I have had three churches and one school pull back from having my pornography presentation because of resistance from their parents about addressing this topic. Their fear is that if we talk about it, the students will become more curious and therefore more likely to try it. There is not a single study that shows addressing sexual issues with young people increases their likelihood to engage in that activity. Call me at 972-342-0753 or email me or submit our online scheduling form. Let’s protect our youth.

2014 Pornography Addiction Survey (conducted by Barna Group). The survey results are located at

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