Eight Factors Common in Childhoods of Sex Addicts

Eight Factors Common in Childhoods of Sex Addicts


I am a huge baseball fan and the postseason is great. Last year in the 10th inning of the decisive game of the World Series, Chicago Cub Ben Zobrist drove in the winning run.

Was this just about an opportunity? Or was this path set much earlier: the Houston Astros who first drafted him? His high school coach who convinced him to try out? His whiffle ball games with his friends at age 8?

It was the opportunity AND the path.

What about a person struggling with pornography? Is it just about an opportunity? Or is it about a path that had been set many years before? Again, the answer is both.

Patrick Carnes lists eight factors common in families of sex addicts.

  1.  Addiction. 

This can be alcohol, gambling, nicotine, eating, drugs, sex, or pornography. Often it is a combination.

  1.  Secrets. 

This “elephant in the living room” is having a huge impact on life, but everyone pretends it is not there.

  1.  Rigid and authoritarian. 

There is only one way to do things. There is no give and take.

  1.  Sex-negativity. 

Sex is always negative, dirty, bad, sinful, or nasty.

  1.  Sexual duplicity. 

Parents do not live up to their standards about sex. There are affairs, pornography, sexting, etc.

  1.  Little intimacy. 

Family members are disengaged. There is little sharing of feelings or vulnerability.

  1.  Neglect. 

This could be capital N neglect: sexual, physical, or emotional abuse or a lack of food, shelter, clothes, or safety. It could be little n neglect: lack of attention, empathy, or love.

  1.  Compartmentalization. 

People act one way in one situation and something totally different in another. There is an overreaction or under-response to life’s problems.

Are any of these factors present in your home? King Solomon wrote in Proverbs 22:6, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Apparently, that is true negatively and positively.

Carnes, P. (2015). Facing the Shadow: Starting Sexual and Relationship Recovery (Third ed.). Carefree, AZ: Gentle Path Press.

Topkin, M. (2009, July 13). Tampa Bay Rays’ Ben Zobrist has taken a surprising path to today’s All-Star Game. Retrieved from Tampa Bay Times: http://www.tampabay.com/sports/baseball/rays/tampa-bay-rays-ben-zobrist-has-taken-a-surprising-path-to-todays-all-star/1018198

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