By Angela Tooley

I hate to admit it, but I have FOMO. Do you have FOMO?  Maybe you’re not familiar with this but it is





(and yes it is a word)!

FOMO begins innocently enough, usually with our smartphone, but it can be any digital device. The device lets us instantly:

  • check sports scores
  • check the Facebook status and likes
  • look at all other social media
  • listen for incoming texts and emails

Our smartphones and mobile devices have become the indispensable organizers of our lives – through communication and calendars; and through every kind of conceivable news, entertainment, calorie counting, exercise, and fantasy football app that is out there. We get addicted – never wanting to be without our mobile devices.

Ultimately interacting with our device takes precedence over a conversation with the person right beside us in the car or right in front of us at the dinner table.

What we are really missing out on is each other! 

FOMO is now so widespread that it necessitates a public service campaign to get us all to put away our phones at the dinner table.  While I think it is a sad reality, I am encouraged by the opportunities for family growth that can happen by coming to the dinner table – device-free.

At any age, conversation matters. Sharing the day whether it was how the presentation went, or what was the most fun at preschool.  Laughing at silly pasta shapes and hearing the laments of pop quizzes is meaningful. One day there will be a hard conversation, and you’ll be there to listen.

This isn’t just for family dinner, this is for friends, coworkers, and everyone we face. Please don’t miss any of the experience, put the phone away.

I am making a conscious effort to be aware of how and when I am using my smart devices. I’m working on a new word for the dictionary, FOMM





(not quite as catchy as FOMO, but I’ll keep working on it).

I hope you will all do the same and set a great example for your kids too.

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