Current Noble Notes

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Are you a Hypocritical Parent?

When I was two years old, a drunk driver swerved and hit our car head-on. My parents and my injuries were so severe that my grandparents were told my dad Read More

12 Dangerous Dating Apps for Teens

(This is the first of a three-part series on the dangers of dating apps.)A fourteen-year-old girl feeling (like most young teens) lonely and unsure of herself, turns to her smartphone.She Read More

Cyber Rape

At age 23, Holly had a new boyfriend.When Holly moved away for grad school, they dated long-distance. “To keep the intimacy alive” she sent him naked photos and a personal Read More

12 Stages of Intimacy

As a teenage boy, I would talk about how far I got with a girl with the terms, first base (kissing), second base (touching above the waist), third base (touching Read More

Positive Reasons to Save Sex

When you encourage teens to save sex, are you negative or positive?Too often we are negative.Don’t get pregnant as a teenager.Don’t get an STD.Don’t get emotional scars.Condoms don’t fully protect Read More

What Accountability Looks Like

Accountability partners are a great help in the fight against pornography.James 5:16: “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other, so that you may be healed.”However, many Read More

Teaching Kids About Same-Sex Marriage

The Supreme Court’s ruling about same-sex marriage is a monumental change in our culture.Noble Choices is not changing. We still help people see all of their choices and empower them Read More

Expectation Problems

I love Texas Rangers baseball. I love TobyMac’s Christian music.A couple of years ago, TobyMac did a concert after the Texas Rangers game. It just couldn’t get any better, right?After Read More

Six Things to Check at Your Teen’s Job

My first job as a teenager was at McDonald’s. I remember being so proud to drive myself to work, get a paycheck, and have real responsibilities.I also was amazingly naive Read More

Teens and Sleep

Parents today have to deal with so many issues when parenting teens that it is easy to lose track of the basics, sleep for example.Did you know that a lack Read More

Teen Texting Rules

What is the number one way people use their cell phones?Checking the time.Number two? Texting.In fact, the average teenager will send a text every ten minutes they are awake. That’s Read More

Why People Have Sex

When we teach our young people about sex we usually start with “how.” This is commonly referred to as “the talk.”We usually cover the “who” and the “when” by saying Read More

The Premarital Affair

Despite our culture that seems to ever increase its promotion of sexual pleasure, the vast majority of Americans (85%) still disapprove of extramarital affairs.I believe the reason is that we Read More

Interest in Sex is Dropping

I have written several times about how pornography is bad for your sex life. It can cause a loss of sexual performance. It can cause a lack of satisfaction with Read More

Age to Teach Kids About Sex

I do not remember the exact age when my parents told me smoking was bad for you. It was very young though. When we saw people smoking, my dad said Read More

Parent’s Biggest Fears

What are our biggest worries regarding our kids?A recent study of over 2,000 American adults revealed the following list:1. Childhood obesity2. Smoking3. Drug abuse4. Bullying5. Stress6. Alcohol abuse7. Internet safety8. Read More

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