Current Noble Notes

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Best. Kiss. Ever.

One of my favorite movies is The Princess Bride. It ends with this quote,“Since the invention of the kiss, there have been five kisses rated the most passionate, the most Read More

Pride and Pornography

I had a high school sweetheart for two and a half years. I proposed to her after graduation. She would later break up with me, but this article is not Read More

Parental Romance is Crucial

Indulge me for a moment in a thought exercise.Suppose you are a teenager growing up today. Like most parents, your parents have not talked to you very much about sex. Read More

Unspoken Truth of Birth Control

When I was in high school, I was taught birth control to “prevent” pregnancy. In the 1980s, condoms were promoted as “safe sex” and “protection.” Planned Parenthood currently says that Read More

Ten Easy Ways To Protect Your Child Online

Can you think of a time during your childhood or teen years when you were picked on, put down, or even shamed by other children or teens? It felt like Read More

My Recovery Celebration

(The Celebrate Recovery group that I attend held a special ceremony for my step study group at the completion of our nine-month study of the twelve steps. The following is Read More

Fifty Shades of Curiosity and Justification

I remember getting on the World Wide Web for the first time in the early 1990s and being fascinated by it. I had heard about its pornography. As a youth minister, Read More

Groundhog Day Pornography

Is your battle with pornography like the movie Groundhog Day? Bill Murray’s character keeps reliving the same day over and over again until he can do it right. Many of us Read More

Super Bowl Commercials

The Super Bowl is one of the few distinctively American events that unite us as a culture. A majority of us will watch this event. Last year’s game set the record Read More

Six Non-Christian Reasons to Avoid Pornography

Twenty years ago most people believed the only reason to save sex for marriage was Christian. My proposals to do non-Christian sexual abstinence programs in public schools were laughed at Read More

Television is Life

It seems like every parent program I have ever done I have taught that it is not good to allow a television or a computer in your child’s bedroom.  Once at Read More

5 Dangerous Apps For Teens

In my program on social media, “Not of the World,” I put on a Mardi Gras mask.I proceed to talk to my audience as if they don’t know who I Read More

The Purpose of Sex

I had a conversation with a friend about redefining marriage to include homosexuals. Her reasoning was that we raise our kids saying, “I just want you to be happy.” If Read More

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